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Featured 30 Sep
Where can I buy good quality natural raw honey in India
Where can I buy good quality natural raw honey in India

Nothing can match honey in terms of its sweetness. The Best Natural raw honey is the one that is valued and is sweetly aromatic too. The natural raw honey acts as energizer and is rich in antioxidants.

Honey that is produced by apis bees is mainly consumed by humans. We have, however, managed to culture honey through domestication or agriculture instead of getting them from the wild bee colonies.

Through the monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose, honey acquires its sweetness.

Honey-Shell Life:

Honey can stay extraordinarily healthy and fresh and can even be consumed for over 3000 years. Some varieties are available in the market specially harvested and provided for puchase through Amodiva. These include their monofloral raw honey, like litchi honey, ajwain honey, ber honey, and more. All that is required to keep honey safe and ready to consume to  is avoid keeping in a humidity place. Honey is to be kept in a dry place at room temperature.

We should keep in mind the things  that we consume, may be replica or sub standard . In the past few years , we have seen that quality of natural goods have degraded  as population has received an outburst  whereas natural products are still available for consumption in limited or the same quantity.  

Honey Production in India:

In terms of the production and apiculture of honey, India stands as the 6th globally reckoned nation. Annually it is noted that India produces about 67000 tons of honey. If you are looking for the best natural raw honey in India,  one must checkout  Natural Raw honey offered by Amodiva  for purchase on their website at

Featured 04 Jun

There is often a perception among consumers that honey that crystallizes has "gone bad" or that it is a sign of contamination. It's actually the opposite! Crystallization of Honey is a sign of high quality honey.


Bees make honey by collecting nectar from flowers which is consumed and digested by the bee enzymes in their stomach and passed on in the hive. Bess then evaporate as much water as they can from the nectar by flapping wings.  The bees are so efficient at this process that they condense the nectar to the point that it becomes a supersaturated solution - a solution that contains more natural sugars (fructose) from flowers than a liquid can technically hold.  At this point Honey is a concentrated mix of:

Glucose (Blood Sugar) and Fructose (Fruit Sugar)

Let us know discuss what actually causes this mix of Glucose and Fructose to crystalize. Following three factors that contribute to crystallization of Honey:

  1. Temperature
  2. The ratio of glucose and fructose in the honey
  3. Pollen


Honey will crystallize even in the hive if the temperature is very cold outside say below 9-10 degrees. Similarly, it will crystallize even in a honey jar. Solution to the same will be to store honey at a slightly warm place in yout home – this will help slow down the crystallization process.

THEN HOW CAN I DECRYSTALLIZE MY HONEY? One easy and handy trick to decrystallize honey is to put honey in a bowl of warm water and slowly letting it warm up.

NOTE: Microwaving overheats the honey and doesn't heat evenly, so that's not recommended unless you are in a hurry. Also, never store honey in the refrigerator. Refrigerator temperatures accelerate the process of crystallization.

The problem is, after a few sessions of heating and cooling, your honey will loose that wonderful aroma of summer, and just become yellow sugary goop, we don’t want that do we?

SOLUTION: Develop a taste for cyrstallized honey as it is mark of purity and high nutrients! But if that is just not how  you like your honey, try heating honey is smaller batch – as an as per requirement basis, rather than the whole container. Honey also keeps best in glass, rather than plastic, and glass is much better for reheating – and that’s why your Amodiva Raw Honey comes in glass jars!

The ratio of glucose and fructose in the honey

Honey is a super-saturated solution of two sugars: glucose and fructose. The proportions of these two sugars are characteristic of the plants the bees fed on to make their honey. It's the glucose that crystallizes, so some types of honey are more resistant to crystallization because they have low glucose.

Honey made from different flowers yield different amounts of glucose and fructose in the final honey. Honey, with high levels of glucose (such as Mustard or Multifloral Raw Honey) crystalizes much faster due to high glucose content.

The higher the glucose and the lower the water content of honey, the faster the crystallization. Oppositely, honey with less glucose relative to water is a less saturated glucose solution and is slow to crystallize. Honey with heightened water content often crystallizes unevenly (not as a homogeneous mass) and separates into crystallized and liquid parts.



A Bees body is filled with tiny hair, when bees take nectar from the flowrs, small amounts of pollen get stick to the bees. When going to the  next flower, these pollen may get dropped off – helping them become one of the best pollinators!

Pollen are often abundantly found in Raw Honey – as it is unfiltered. Pollen acts as a sort of honey provenance. Pollen informs us as to from which flowers the bees have been feeding on.

Honey with pollen in it, has high proteins and nutritional value, but it also assists crystallization – crystals find pollen particles reliable and easy to build on.

Regular honey is filtered to remove pollen. This does creates a more shelf-stable honey, and it is clearer and brighter in color, making  honey well, more pretty.

Filtering has a shady side effect: it makes it easier for honey to be processed and shipped longer distances and means that many different kinds of honey can be blended together undetectably.

How can you get the best honey? Buy local. And by local, look for honey that is not part of a chain store brand, but something from a beekeeper that is in your state, with a traceable address and name.

Embrace your crystallized honey. It's the result of a natural process!

Featured 20 May


Raw honey literally means, honey, “as it exists in the beehive”.

Raw honey is when honey is extracted from the honey combs (in our case by using the centrifugal method) and filtering it using only cotton cloth for filtering any impurities like  - beeswax or any residues. That is all there is – Raw Hone once filtered through the cloth is ready to be bottled and consumed by all.  In contrast, regular honey involves pasteurization and filtration before final bottling.



Pasteurization or heating and then cooling of Honey - destroys the yeast found in honey. This is often used to extend the shelf life or to make honey a little smoother in texture. Also, filtration further removes impurities like debris and air bubbles so that the honey stays as a clear liquid for longer. This is aesthetically appealing to many consumers.

Some commercial honeys are additionally processed by undergoing ultrafiltration. This process further refines it to make it more transparent and smooth, but it can also remove beneficial nutrients like pollen, enzymes and antioxidants. Moreover, some manufacturers may add sugar or sweeteners to honey to reduce costs.


Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. It has approximately 22 amino acids, 31 different minerals and a wide range of vitamins and enzymes. However, the nutrients are only present in trace amounts.

What’s most impressive about raw honey is that it contains nearly 30 types of bioactive plant compounds. These are called polyphenols, and they act as antioxidants. These antioxidants have several health benefits, including reduced inflammation and a lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Many researches have shown raw honey is more helpful in reducing risk to heart diseases like - blood pressure and cholesterol, improve wound healing and even treat coughs.

Furthermore, an enzyme called glucose oxidase component known to be present in Raw Honey and absent from regular processed honey. This enzyme provides honey its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties! Unfortunately, this enzyme can be destroyed by processes like heating and filtering.


Raw honey contains specific components that can offer health benefits. Pasteurization and other processes may remove or reduce some of these elements, which include:

  1. bee pollen, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  2. Rich in vitamins and minerals
  3. Anti-bacterial  and anti fungal properties
  4. Helps in relieving pain
  5. Helps cure cold and cough
  6. High on enzymes providing antimicrobial properties
  7. High on amino acids

If you want to be sure to get all the health benefits, then you should choose Raw Honey over regular Honey any day!

Featured 18 May
How honey bees make Honey ?  - AMODIVA RAW HONEY
How honey bees make Honey ? - AMODIVA RAW HONEY


To make honey bees forage about the farms and gardens. In doing this simple act, Honey Bees play a critical role of pollinators. They pollinate 70 of around 100 crops that feed 90% of the world! By doing so, Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion of crop produced in a year!


Honey is the sweet yellow substance made by bees, by converting nectar and pollen they collect from flowers. This mixture of pollen and nectar is then mixed with the special bee ingredient 'bee enzyme' to finally make – Honey!

Basically, honey is:

Sucrose (nectar and pollen) + invertase (bee enzyme) = fructose + glucose (honey)

There are different kinds and colors of honey as it is a natural food and made in different bee hives, by different bees and most importantly depending on where and on what (flowers) the bees have been foraging!


  • Honey bees forage out from their hives in search of pollen and nectar found on all kinds of flowers
  • Honey bees trap the pollen and nectar on their pollen sack on their legs and carry it back to the hive
  • Honey bees convert the sweet pollen and nectar they gather from flowers into honey by passing it through their digestive system and store it in the hexagonal hive
  • In the hive, bees constantly fan its wings causing evaporation.

The nectar they store starts to concentrate by way of evaporation (this means the water content is reduced) to finally create the sweet liquid, honey. This process prevents bacteria or any harmful thing to form in the honeycomb, because bacteria and fungi cannot multiply in high concentrations of sugar. This is why honey keeps does not expire or go bad !This means that honey is a form of food the bees can store, without it going bad.


Honey's color and flavor vary based on the nectar collected by the bees. For example, honey made from lemon blossom nectar might be light in color, whereas honey from ajwain or wildflowers might have a dark amber color.

The taste in honey comes naturally from the flowers the bees take the nectar and pollen from. For Example, when we prepare litchi honey, bee hives are kept in a farm with Litchi trees only. As bees take nectar and pollen only from litchi flowers, honey naturally gets the Litchi flavour. No flavours are added by bee keeper – its all natural! Interesting isn’t it!


Raw honey is honey as is found in the bee hive and is known to be the most nutritious honey. Raw honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.

Raw honey has more than 30 bioactive antioxidant compounds also known as polyphenols. These antioxidants help in improving heart health, digestion and helps in reducing edema, helps cure soar throat and cough to name a few. Moreover, the active enzymes help in improving metabolism.


